Keynote speakers

We are pleased to announce that the keynote speakers at the PROSPER conference will be Dorota Murzyn, PhD and Aristidis Protopsaltis, PhD.

Dorota Murzyn, PhD is an associate professor and head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation of the Pedagogical University of Cracow (Poland), chair of the discipline council of economics and finance. Her expertise covers regional development, EU funds and policy, economic policy, social innovation and social entrepreneurship. She authored many publications on EU policy and social economy as well as entrepreneurship. Expert and advisor on EU funds, cooperating with the Joint Research Center (European Commission), Polish ministry for regional development, companies and NGOs. Manager and contractor of numerous projects co-financed by the EU. She has long-term experience in working with youth, providing courses and training for students in Poland and Sweden, Greece, Spain, Norway and Turkey. She is member of Regional Studies Association (UK) and member of the Social Economy Development Committee in Małopolska region (PL).

Aristidis Protopsaltis, PhD is the founder and CEO of the company DisruptEd UG. DisruptEd is a dynamic education company specialising in digital education and educational research and innovation. His background is in Education and Cognitive Science. He has over 20 years of experience in the field. He has been involved in numerous European projects (FP7, Horizon and Erasmus +) focusing on Education, Technology Enhance Learning, Science Education and Serious Games. He has published many peer-reviewed conference and journal papers and served as a program committee member and program and general co-chair in several conferences. His research interests focus on Education, Serious Games, Social Innovation Education, Human-Computer Interaction, Technology and Education and Usability.